3.2. Effect of TDS
The biological treatment process cannot reduce TDS to any
significant extent and the efficiency of the system can be greatly
affected by high TDS (Pophali et al., 2003). The tolerance to high
TDS stress in aquatic macrophytes is a coordinated action to the
treatment performance and halophytic plants can reduce TDS of
wastewater by its accumulation in their tissues (Shelef et al., 2013).
In the phytoremediation process with attached growth, the3.2. Effect of TDS
The biological treatment process cannot reduce TDS to any
significant extent and the efficiency of the system can be greatly
affected by high TDS (Pophali et al., 2003). The tolerance to high
TDS stress in aquatic macrophytes is a coordinated action to the
treatment performance and halophytic plants can reduce TDS of
wastewater by its accumulation in their tissues (Shelef et al., 2013).
In the phytoremediation process with attached growth, the