These taxa, favoured by the presence of litter, have a great species diversity, which could explain the increase of
species richness in low polluted zone. In contrast, some arthropods and earthworms were the main species living in
unpolluted zones, where litter is quickly decomposed. These taxa have a low species richness, so the unpolluted zone was
less diversified than the low polluted one.
In conclusion, simple ecological parameters, such as species richness, do not seem to adequately indicate metalmediated
environmental disturbances. Suitable indices should be sensitive to the role of the different taxa in soil
function and pay attention to the interactions among fauna, pollution and soil function.
These taxa, favoured by the presence of litter, have a great species diversity, which could explain the increase ofspecies richness in low polluted zone. In contrast, some arthropods and earthworms were the main species living inunpolluted zones, where litter is quickly decomposed. These taxa have a low species richness, so the unpolluted zone wasless diversified than the low polluted one.In conclusion, simple ecological parameters, such as species richness, do not seem to adequately indicate metalmediatedenvironmental disturbances. Suitable indices should be sensitive to the role of the different taxa in soilfunction and pay attention to the interactions among fauna, pollution and soil function.
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