In order to facilitate effective project implementation, we propose that the model building carried out by DMA. This will enable us to optimise the use of the field testing equipment.
The team will carry out data validation which will entail verification that the asset itself and the hydraulic attributes are present and correct.
For the above ground fittings only hydrants required for the field tests and current operationally significant valve chambers, visual verification of MWA’s data sources such as GIS data, pipe repair records, as built drawings and information from interviews with operational staff. Other above ground fittings such as air valves is not critical to the modelling project. Furthermore, this will introduce more nodes into the models and in our opinion, unnecessarily increase their complexity and run times.
As they are all buried, all pipe information will be validated against the MWA’s data sources with no site verification involved. If major anomalies are found after the model runs, the verification against pipe repair records and discussions with operational staff will be done before any site verification is carried out.