Dear Premium Customers, 3 August 2015
Pre-request to consent of Kyoei Price Adjustment
First of all, we would like to express our sincere appreciation for your continuous support and cooperation.
Since the past water flood disaster in 2011, the Thailand economy had shown steady recovery and growth, however, it has been slowing down recently. Also, reflecting on reduction of policy interest ratio by Thai government, the parity of THB is trading at lower levels, which is beyond our control. We at Kyoei Denki (Thailand) are not an exception and have suffered a strong impact as a result of this currency problem.
We have been continuously reviewing the related costs such as logistics, our internal costs by improving job efficiency, etc. In spite of our actions mentioned above, the currency problem is progressing and making our situation worse, then it is already beyond what we at Kyoei are capable of absorbing.
In consideration of the said situation, and in order to secure stable material supply, we at Kyoei have no choice but to adjust our prices based on current exchange rate.
We fully understand your very tough business circumstances, however, we would like to have your kind understanding and your cooperation.
Regarding the new prices and new conditions, our sales staff will contact you individually.