Like honey bees, each killer bee can sting only one time, and the female bee dies after it stings. Killer bees also make honey, but a honey bee makes five times more honey than a killer bee.
Up to now, killer bees have killed about 1,000 people and over 100,000 cows in the
Americas. In the United States alone, five people have died from killer bee stings since 1990. The first American died from bee stings in Texas in 1993. From Texas, the bees moved to Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, and then Southern California. Where will they go next?
Like honey bees, each killer bee can sting only one time, and the female bee dies after it stings. Killer bees also make honey, but a honey bee makes five times more honey than a killer bee.Up to now, killer bees have killed about 1,000 people and over 100,000 cows in theAmericas. In the United States alone, five people have died from killer bee stings since 1990. The first American died from bee stings in Texas in 1993. From Texas, the bees moved to Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, and then Southern California. Where will they go next?
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