A development of learning management system for department of computer technology current teaching have the save data practice and the content of the lesson various by using the document. Which is not convenient to save the data. and search
A development of learning management system for department of computer technology. use the language PHP MySQL in The development of the system. Divide the work into 3 rights. The part of the admin system Define the level of access rights to the system, with teachers and students.The part of the teacher there is a course management system. open teaching tests Part of the lesson content and file upload tutorials before, after. In addition, the system can check status of student's work. the part of the students has to download files for each chapter of the practice, each student subjects. can download work and teacher jobs can be sent through the system. The system can monitor the status of the tasks that students send or not send the job.
The experimental results from all samples 20 People Overall, it was found that all of the Users with satisfaction in access. A development of learning management system for department of computer technology In most levels (=4.60,SD.=0.52) In percent levels 92.00 an effective system can be considered to be use