But what is this political sovereignty and where is such a sovereign? The problem of the real location of political sovereignty has not yet been solved Finally,there is the confusion between the actual authority and its source. "It is one thing to say,"writes Soltau,"that all authority comes and its source."It is one thing to say, "writes Soltau,"that all authority comes from the people and another to say that the people actually govern"This they obviously cannot do;government is the action of the few. And when Rousseau said that the people actually govern,he introduced in their governance that mystic element of General Will which made it possible for his disciples to the hands of a small number of men who make up the government. Beoause of these confusions and the unreality of the elaborate justification of the omnicompetent and omnipotent State,Laski and others have suggested that the theory of sovereignty should be kept out of political discussions.But drop it, because it exists and since it exists we cannot avoid controversy.indeed,one of the most effective means of getting to know the character of any system of government is to find out where sovereignty can actually be located and how it is really exercised.To know it is to know the different forms in which sovereignty is expressed.
Titular Sovereignty Since the term sovereignty is used in different contexts,titular sovereignty is one of them. The origin of titular sovereignty goes back to the seventeenth century immediately after the emergence of the nation-Stases were headed dy absolute monarchies and the