Thank you for your payment.
We are sorry to inform you that our management had decided to hold the goods.
As I mentioned that you need to made payment of Eur 4797.30, however, you have only settle for Eur 3219.
Mr. Lersak have promise payment every month for the outstanding amount for 2013 since last July’15 , but so far I only received only once last year.
I am sorry I have to hold your shipment, till you pay just for:
SPA13056 &64 …Eur 2129.10 (I amend the inv. to total amt of Eur2129.1 for your payment purpose)+
Bank charge …Eur 35.00
Total: …Eur 2164.10
Mr. Lersak have also mentioned for late payment interest, but our management have decided not to add more burden to your payment.
However, we will need you to bear all the bank charge for every payment.
We would like you to understand that our Germany head office is very concerned on this outstanding payment.
Our Auditor had questioned us on this long overdue outstanding payment.
It is already more than a year. We need Mr. Tom to settle all the 2013 invoices.
Now Euro exchange rate is very low, you need less Thailand baht to purchase Euro.
It is a good opportunity to use Less Thai Baht now to buy more Euro.
Please considered that.