Using tiger designer:
Tiger Designer is a component of Tiger Software Suite that allows you to fine-tune documents before sending them to a ViewPlus embosser. Tiger Designer uses files with a .prn extension to show how a document will emboss, display-
ing dots visually in grayscale on the computer screen. Use Tiger Designer with the ViewPlus Pro Ink Attachment or
ViewPlus Emprint to preview the ink and Braille combined view.
1. Introduction to Tiger Designer
Tiger Designer has functions similar to Micro- soft Paint. You can freehand draw, add shapes, move items, erase items and add text vertically or horizontally.
Navigation: Navigate through a multi-page document.
Magnification: ZOOM IN for finer detail. ZOOM OUT for less detail.
Color: Includes the distinct levels of punch force according to shades of gray. The darker the color, the higher the dot. Choose from 0-7 for white to black, 8 for braille text or 9 for no color.
2. Drawing Tools Pen: Freehand tool that allows you to add a line.
Brush: Allows freehand drawing in 3D.
Brush Properties: Change brush properties to adjust thickness and color.
Width: Adjusts the thickness of the line.
Height: Adjusts the 3D color value.
Horz and Vert Offset: Controls where the 3D
shadow is placed.
Line: Add a straight line.
3. Drawing Shapes
Draw Rectangle: Add a rectangle or square with no fill.
Fill Rectangle: Add a rectangle or square with grayscale fill.
Draw Oval: Add an oval or circle with no fill. Fill Oval: Add an oval or circle with grayscale fill. Fill Area: Fill a contained area.
Select Rectangle: Select an area of the docu- ment to move or copy.
Using theTiger Designer
4. Braille Labels and Views Braille label: Add vertical or horizontal braille dots.
NOTE: Braille29 is the standard US braille font. Line Width: Change the line width of any tool. Antialiasing: Smooth color transitions. Interpoint view: Shows two pages combined.
Use to view interpoint or intergraphix and re-
move conflicting dots that are shown in red.
Combined View: For use with ViewPlus
Pro Ink Attachment or Emprint. Shows ink and braille in the same view.
5. Transform
Rotate: Rotate selected document quarter turns to the right.
Shift: Move the selected item up, down, left
or right. Use negative numbers to move left or up.
6. Help
About Tiger Designer: View the version number of the Tiger Designer.
7. To Get Started
To start from scratch, open TIGER DESIGNER from the VIEWPLUS folder in your START menu. Select NEW from the file menu.
To create a .prn file, open the document you wish to view in its original program. Go to FILE and choose PRINT to bring up the Print dialog box. Make sure a ViewPlus embosser is
selected. Check the box that says PRINT TO FILE. Another dialog box will pop up asking where the file should be saved. Give the file a name and save it in an easy place to find, like your desktop.
Open the file you just created from Tiger Designer or by navigating to the place you just saved the document.
To find more tutorials on this and other topics, go to and navigate to the support section.