Cause and effect paragraph
in unit five,we looked at the word because,which introduces the reason for or cause of something. In this lesson,we will look at the effect of something.
First,you must see the difference between the cause and the effect. Notice that an effect can have several cause...
.....mary was late for work
.....she said her alarm clock does not work
.....this machine does not work is not plugged in
....there are no computers in our school
.....the school does not have money to buy them
....there is no room to put them in the school.
.......most of our teachers do not like computers.
.... say which statement is the cause and which is the effect.
....this light is out.
.....there is on light bulb.
......the telephone does not work.
....the strom last night pulled the lines down..
.....i forgot to put batteries in it. portable radio does not work.
..the flight from canada is three hours late.
...there is a snowstorm in canada.
.....i cannot see well with these old glasses.
.....i need to have my eyes tested again.
....the printer needs a new cartridge.
..there is on writing when i print out.
...using so and therefore
look at the model paragraph. Underline the words so and therefore. Both of these words introduce effect clauses. Now look at the punctuation used with these words. Circle the punctuation before and after these words
..... i am not disturbed
....i can do more work. and therefore have the same meaning,but therefore is more formal.
...... punctuate these sentences with a camma where necessary. has a hearing problem;therefore he wears a hearing aid.
...janet does not like to wear her glasses so she is wearing contact lenses.
....peter bought an expensive car.therefore he had to get a car alarm
...john got a photocopier for his office so he does not have to rush to the copy store every day.
..kathy always has her answering machine on;therefore you can leave a message tonight.
....tony hates to wash dishes so he bought a dishwasher.
..... choose the best clause for the list below to camplete each sentence.
.. i am not home during the day alarm clock did not work.
.....typing is not so inportant for most office jobs today.
his phone is out of order.
...i studied in the language lab all last semester. eyesight is not so good in the dark