Organizational innovation has been a dominant factor in maintaining worldwide competitiveness. It
fuels organizational growth, drives future success, and is the engine that allows businesses to sustain their
performance in a global economy (Gaynor, 2002). Some studies have identified business performance as
a multidimensional construct (Walker & Ruekert, 1987; Wiklund & Shepherd, 2005). According to
Wiklund (1999), growth and financial performance is a common performance measurement and different
firms in different countries emphasize and focus on different measurement. Recognizing that a firm’s
performance is multidimensional and following the suggestion of Wiklund (1999), this study will adopt
other forms of measurement of business performance other than growth and financial perpectives.
Finally, Jaskyte (2011) found that there is a positive relationship between innovation and performance,
which creates the need in the non-profit firms to build the culture of innovation in order to improve the