dear i understand you and am not angry okay but you have to try if is to borrow no problem
try and get for me and after i will send money to pay the person back
how are you and how was your day >
you are my hope okay
please help me tomorrow my love
Today, I backed up the cost of a taxi to pick you up at the airport waiting for me.. And hotel accommodation for you before you go to the father, my mother. I'm afraid you are troublesome
You let me down And feel bad My hope is exhausted. I do not think you can destroy the trust that I have for you until the end. The following is my true happiness children 3 people.
Thanks to wake me up from chimerical. The incident
Then you say you do financial transactions on the day you return to Thailand officials to talk to me it means.
because i wanted you to know my problem at the bank
that is why i want you to help me dear