The peak cylinder pressure of this biodiesel blends are observed to be higher (up to 1.18 bar) than that of the diesel due to longer ignition delay of biodiesel fuel. The peak cylinder pressure of diesel, B20, B40, B60 and B80 fuels are recorded to be 63.53 bar, 62.35 bar, 64.06 bar, 64.61 bar and 64.71 bar respectively. Slightly lower heat release rate is observed for the biodiesel blends at higher compression ratios. This is due to the burnt mass fraction of the blends which is observed to be closer to that of diesel fuel at higher compression ratios. In contrary, Nantha Gopal et al. [120] observed lesser unburned hydrocarbon (~58.23%), CO (~60.04%) [121] and NOX emissions for WCME fuel than those of diesel fuel in an investigation on a single cylinder, 4- stroke, and air cooled DI diesel engine designed for agricultural purpose
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