used the total amount of fishery products
imported and the proportion derived from legal wild caught fish to
estimate the fraction of illegal and unreported fisheries imports.
They estimated that illegal or unregulated catches represented
20e32% by weight of seafood imports into the US. Among the
products analyzed, 10e15% of the crabs from Thailand, 20e45% of
the crabs from Indonesia, 5e10% of the crabs from Canada, 10e15%
of the crabs from Vietnam, 15e30% of the crabs from Philippines,
and 10e25% of the crabs from India, were illegal or unreported in
used the total amount of fishery productsimported and the proportion derived from legal wild caught fish toestimate the fraction of illegal and unreported fisheries imports.They estimated that illegal or unregulated catches represented20e32% by weight of seafood imports into the US. Among theproducts analyzed, 10e15% of the crabs from Thailand, 20e45% ofthe crabs from Indonesia, 5e10% of the crabs from Canada, 10e15%of the crabs from Vietnam, 15e30% of the crabs from Philippines,and 10e25% of the crabs from India, were illegal or unreported in2011.
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