Bayesian networks represent a special class of graphical models that may be used to depict causal dependencies between random variables (Cowell et al., 2007). Graphical models use a combination of probability theory and graph theory in the statistical modeling of complex interactions between such variables. Bayesian networks have evolved as a useful tool in analyzing uncertainty. When Bayesian networks were first introduced, assigning the full probability distributions manually was time intensive. Solving a Bayesian network with a considerable number of nodes is known to be a nondeterministic polynomial time hard (NP hard) problem (Dagum and Luby, 1993). However, significant advancements in computational capability along with the development of heuristic search techniques to find events with the highest probability have enhanced the development and understanding of Bayesian networks. Correspondingly, the Bayesian computational concept has become an emergent tool for a wide range of risk management applications (Cowell et al., 2007). The methodology has been shown to be especially useful when information about past and/or current situations is vague, incomplete, conflicting, and uncertain.