rkers treat me differently than they treat others. Individuals with low levels of education may not be accepted as much as people with higher education levels. Accounting professionals whose parents had attained higher education levels may have motivated their children to pursue higher education levels and expect more from employers.
Accounting graduates (Caucasian, Hispanic and non-Hispanic minority) who graduated from a Texas university compared to the accounting graduates (Caucasian, Hispanic and non-Hispanic minority) from a New York city university are less likely to look forward to going to work, to feel they fair compensation, to perceive acceptance as part of work teams, to believe their benefits are and adequate, to receive helpful performance feedback, and to be satisfied with promotion opportunities. Accounting professionals who graduated from a regional university in a large city seem to perceive more job satisfaction than accounting professionals who graduated from a regional university in a small city. The location difference indicates more advantages and opportunities exist in large cities compared to small cities.