1) Comodo can offer True Thailand along with INT Distribution for all the above arrangements.
2) Here all the sales will happen through INT distribution to True Thailand but our direct technical team can also help True Thailand in conviencing them for the product part.
3) For White Label of Comodo Mobile Security if True Thailand wants some customization then we can do it but in return they have to commit high volumes.
4) For Comodo Internet Security - True Thailand is a great opportunity for us as a retail distributor where we can convince two business models to True Thailand -
1) Selling to all their home and business subscribers by offfering them Comodo Internet Security bundled with their braodband interent service's and may be charge them on montly basis and we can also
work on monthly payment basis with them.
2) Selling through online store of True, their retail outlets, banana IT stores, book stores, tehir coffe shop etc etc.
So above are the details please do let me know if you require any other information from my side. Lets please try to convience them, as they are really big in Thailand and if we partners with them then we can capture certain market share in 1st year.