3.2. TA and TSS
After 9, 14 or 35 days of storage at 5 C, TA content in
Chinese bayberry, strawberry and blueberry fruit, respectively,
was significantly lower than the initial value. No significant
differences in TA content were observed among all
of the high O2 and air treated fruit in all the three berries
(Tables 4–6). However, Pe´rez and Sanz (2000) found significantly
lower TA content in strawberry fruit exposed to
90% O2 + 10% CO2 than fruit held in air after 9 days of
storage at 8 C. TSS decreased during storage in all three
berries. No significant differences were observed in TSS
content among all of the high O2 treated and control fruit
in Chinese bayberry (Table 4), while high O2 levels P60%
3.2. TA and TSSAfter 9, 14 or 35 days of storage at 5 C, TA content inChinese bayberry, strawberry and blueberry fruit, respectively,was significantly lower than the initial value. No significantdifferences in TA content were observed among allof the high O2 and air treated fruit in all the three berries(Tables 4–6). However, Pe´rez and Sanz (2000) found significantlylower TA content in strawberry fruit exposed to90% O2 + 10% CO2 than fruit held in air after 9 days ofstorage at 8 C. TSS decreased during storage in all threeberries. No significant differences were observed in TSScontent among all of the high O2 treated and control fruitin Chinese bayberry (Table 4), while high O2 levels P60%
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