Test authority table the auditor should simulate the programmer’s access privileges and then violate the authorization rules by attempting to access unauthorized libraries any such attempts should be denied by the operating system
One of the most valuable assets of the modern business organization is a responsive user-oriented information system a well-designed system can increase productivity reduce inventories eliminate nonvalue-added activities improve customer service and management decisions and coordinate activities throughout the organization
This chapter examined the purpose control and audit of the systems development life cycle it began by describing the roles of the participants involved in systems development including systems professionals users and stakeholders then it outlined the key activities associated with SDLC this process consists of two primary sets of activities : new systems development and maintenance
Key terms
Accountant/auditor intangible benefits
Backbone system iterative approach
Break-even point legal feasibility
Cold turkey cutover net present value method
Conceptual design new systems development
Cutover novice
Database conversion object-oriented design (OOD) approach
Data flow diagrams (DFDs) object-oriented programming (OOP) language
Detailed design object
Detailed design report occasional user
Documentation operation feasibility
economic feasibility parallel operation cutover
end user payback method
event-driven language phased cutover
frequent light user procedural language
frequent accounting system project planning
help features project proposal