fig. 8-7 flip-flop. (quad latch)
low on any input to a NAND gate will force its output high. Thus a low on the input will set the latch ( and ). A low on the input will reset it ( ). It both and low simultaneously is forbidden since this forces both and high.
Example 8-2
Show how to convert the flip-flop in Fig. 8-7 into an RS flip-flop.
By placing an inverter at each input as shown in Fig. 8-8, the 2 inputs are nor R and S, and the resulting circuit behaves exactly as the RS flip-flop in Fig. 8-6. A single 54/7400 (quad 2-input NAND gate) is used.
Simple latches as discussed in this section can be constructed from NAND or NOR gates or obtained as medium-scale integrated circuits (MSI). For instance, the 74LS279 is a quad latch. The pinout and truth table for this circuit are given in Fig. 8-9. Study the truth table carefully, and you will see that the latches behave exactly like the flip-flop discussed above.