UI Accessibility Checker
UI Accessibility Checker (AccChecker) helps you discover accessibility problems at run time. When your UI is complete and functional, use AccChecker to test different scenarios, verify the correctness of runtime accessibility information, and discover runtime issues. You can run AccChecker in UI or command line mode. To run the UI mode tool, open the AccChecker directory in the Windows SDK bin directory, run acccheckui.exe, and click the Help menu.
UI Automation Verify
UI Automation Verify (UIA Verify) is an automated testing and verification framework for UI Automation implementations. UIA Verify can integrate into the test code and conduct regular, automated testing or spot checks of UI Automation scenarios. To run UIA Verify, run VisualUIAVerifyNative.exe from the UIAVerify subdirectory.
Accessible Event Watcher
Accessible Event Watcher (AccEvent) tests whether an app's UI elements fire proper UI Automation and Microsoft Active Accessibility events when UI changes occur. Changes in the UI can occur when the focus changes, or when a UI element is invoked, selected, or has a state or property change.