B. Advantages of Proposed System:
a. Space: Since Raptor codes require storage for the
intermediate symbols, it is important to study their
space consumption. Count the space as a multiple of
the number of input symbols. The space
requirement of the Raptor code is 1/R, where R is
the rate of the pre-code.
b. Overhead: The overhead is a function of the
decoding algorithm used, and is defined as the
number of output symbols that the decoder needs to
collect in order to recover the input symbols with
high probability, minus the number of input
symbols. Measure the overhead as a multiple of the
number of input symbols, so an overhead of , for
example, means that (1+ )K output symbols need to
be for example, means that (1+ )K output
symbols need to be collected to ensure successful
decoding with high probability.
c. Cost: The encoding and decoding process cost is