Face Painting Ideas
Face Painting Ideas
War tribes of old painted themselves to frighten their enemies. Today, the ancient art is fun! Liven up a class play, birthday party or circus with Face Painting. Let the children pick their design, and away you go! Face painting can be a great chance for ‘one-on-one’ with a child. While you paint, tell him what you are doing: “Now you’re really looking like a dog!” or, “Close your eyes, I’m painting around them now” so that the child is involved. Have a small mirror handy so she can watch. It is very important to be sensitive to a child’s reactions to face-painting. While most children love it, some will not appreciate it at all. Never force your ideas on them.
Children up to the age of 7 or 8 find it difficult to sit still for long periods, and are usually happy with very simple designs. They will enjoy matching what they are wearing, or matching faces with a friend: make two pink bunnies, or two butterflies in different colors. Older children can help with the base on a design such as the panda or clown: have them sponge on the white first while you paint someone else. (Background base coats can be omitted for younger children). Children will enjoy helping choose the color for the design they have chosen.
Here is how to paint some simple faces.
Paint in the basic outline for the Butterfly Fill in with bright color (or blend, dot, or stripe colors as desired) Add body and antennae and your butterfly is ready to fly!
Using a slightly damp sponge and white paint, whiten the entire face. Paint nose and large mouth, extending well past the mouth onto the cheeks (can be ‘happy’ or ‘sad’ clown, depending on the curve of the mouth). Using a thin-tip brush, you can outline the mouth with a dark or light color for further emphasis. Paint two eyes, extending from above the eyebrow to the cheek below the eye. As with the mouth, you can outline the eye for further emphasis. Add eyelashes etc for special effect, and your clown is ready for the circus!
Paint in white around mouth, eyes and a strip down the chin. Fill in with grey or brown centre forehead, nose and cheeks. Blacken nose tip, and outline eyes, mouth and teeth with black. Add whiskers before she hops away!
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Topics: Projects and Activities
Date: February 01, 2005
Author: Mary Barth