4. Results
Table 3 shows a comparison of outcomes between challenging
and simple projects, supporting our hypothesis that these
processes may be inherently different, with simple projects
showing significantly more positive results for each outcome of
interest. Table 4 displays bivariate correlations between each of the
independent variables and IDTLs’ perceptions of process outcomes.
To ease communication and interpretation, only statistically
significant (p 0.05) correlation coefficients are displayed. As one
might expect, outcomes of challenging processes are related to far
more elements of the NEPA process than simple processes. That is,
more seems to matter when predicting outcomes of these
processes. With few exceptions, the process elements that are
related to outcomes in simple projects are subsets of those related
to outcomes in challenging projects. The process elements most
consistently related to all four outcomes measured in challenging
contexts include: a clear purpose and need, the use of best available
biophysical and social science, an IDTL who felt empowered to be
the team’s clear leader (regardless of their leadership style), clear
communication between the decision maker and the ID team, and
lesser disagreement among ID team members. No process elements
consistently predicted all four outcomes for simple processes.