Background. Assessment of the level of exposure to work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) risk
factors can be an appropriate basis for planning and implementing an interventional ergonomics program
in the workplace. This study was conducted among workers of an Iranian sugar-producing factory to
determine WMSD prevalence rate among production workers and to assess the level of exposure to WMSD
risks. Materials and methods. In total, 116 workers were randomly selected from production workshops and
included in the study. The Nordic musculoskeletal questionnaire was used to study prevalence of WMSDs and
a quick exposure check (QEC) was used to assess physical exposure to risks. Required data were videotaped.
Results. Most workers (87.1%) suffered from some kind of MSD symptoms during the 12 months prior to the
study. The highest prevalence was reported in knees (58.6%) and the lower back (54.3%). In 99.1% of the
workers, the level exposure to MSD risks established with QEC was high and very high. Awkward postures,
manual material handling, and long hours of standing were the major ergonomics problems. Conclusion.
There was a high rate of WMSDs in this factory. The level of exposure to WMSD risk factors was high and
corrective measures for reducing risk level were essential.