Choose the best answer that provides the correct.
1. Which is the correct action when staff has query concerning the received document? (1 Points).
a) Ask colleagues.
b) Consult their superior.
c) Consult the document approver
d) Ask those who sent the document to us.
e) Send the query to the relevant Department.
2. Which is the using of Personal Appliances rule? (1 Points).
a. Use only small devices.
b. Use only in staff mess room.
c. Use the appliances while on duty.
d. Use the appliances without permission.
e. Use the appliances when received permission from superior.
3. Which one is for project good corporate image? (1 Points)
a) Modify uniform in fashion style
b) No talking when riding the train.
c) Modify uniform in the fashion way.
d) Take off the uniform while smoking.
e) Wear uniform and badge when required by their jobs.
4. What should staff do in case of found property and no one show the owner?
(1 Points)
a) Given to the police.
b) Keep it until found the owner.
c) No Action because it is not mine.
d) Stay in the area until someone show the owner.
e) Handed over to the duty station controller for proper handling
5. Which items that staff can lend to unauthorized person? (1 points)
a) Station Keys.
b) Work Permit.
c) Staff ID Card.
d) Private Ticket.
e) Password for Working.
6. What is the correct answer about safety awareness? (1 Points).
a) Safety awareness is the responsible of superior only.
b) For safety, to sit on third rail must sit on the cover of third rail.
c) Place the material under the third rail while working in the track.
d) Staff must deter any person from putting themselves and/or the others in danger.
e) Expert staff can reduce process in working instruction but must increase carefulness.
7. Which one is the correct principles about fire prevention? (1 Points).
a) Only the landlord that responsible for fire prevention.
b) Do not keep fire fighting equipment in the staff mess room.
c) Must keep dangerous goods and hazardous materials in plant room.
d) Passenger can bring the inflammable material not more than 1 litre on board.
e) Any malfunction of the fire protection system and/or the fire-fighting equipment must be reported immediately.
8. Which one must be considered as energized all the times? (1 Points).
a) Voltage Tester.
b) Stretcher Hoist.
c) Collector Shoes.
d) Manual Point Lock.
e) Short Circuit Device.
9. Which one is the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)? (1 Points).
a) Ear Plug.
b) Safety Belt.
c) Torch Light.
d) Safety Glasses.
e) Electrical Protective Gloves.
10. Which one is the instruction for staff member that allowed to travel in a Driving Cab? (1 Points).
a) Talk with TO all the time.
b) Ask about how to control the train.
c) Help TO to receive call from CCR.
d) Help TO such as use PA to announce the message.
e) Assist the train operator in keeping a good lookout as far as practicable.
11. When the staff has discovered or been informed by another one, he/she will firstly report to whom? (1 Points).
a) The PIC.
b) The landlord.
d) The MRTA officer.
e) The security guard.
12. The staff making a verbal report shall provide the information of incident except which one? (1 Points).
a) Location.
b) his/her name.
c) passenger flow.
d) time of occurrence.
e) nature of an event.
13. When a direct enquiry received from an external party regarding an incident or accident, which staff shall be responsible for? (1 Points).
a) The Public Relations officer.
b) The Train Operations officer.
c) The Safety and Quality officer.
d) The Customer Relations Officer.
e) The Train Operations Support officer.
14. Depending on the severity classification of an incident, which one has been classified into Level 2 or Major Incident? (1 Points).
a) A train service from WSA to TPO has delayed about 10 minutes.
b) An accident in KBP can be manageable internally for a short period.
c) A section between YNO and PNK has been blocked by a stalled train for at least a half hour.
d) The fire has caused extensive damages and re-opening of the system is not conceivable within a short period.
e) Many Emergency Medical Services and Fire Fighters have been summoned for handling the fire and a large number of injury.
15. What time does a passenger can get into a station? (1 Points).
a) not earlier than 5 minutes before the first passenger train.
b) not earlier than 10 minutes before the first passenger train.
c) not earlier than 15 minutes before the first passenger train.
d) not earlier than 20 minutes before the first passenger train.
e) not earlier than 25 minutes before the first passenger train.
16. The access to station’s paid area shall be allowed except which one? (1 Points).
a) A passenger who has a valid ticket.
b) A cleaner who supposes to sweep on a platform.
c) A staff who travel on his/her day off without a ticket.
d) A security guard who are required to perform his/her daily duties.
e) A person who has specific authorisation given by the MRTA or BMCL.
17. What is able period for the Engineering Work that impact to the normal operations of the MRT system? (1 Points).
a) During Non-Traffic Hours.
b) During Evening Peak Hours.
c) During Morning Peak Hours.
d) During Train Withdrawal to Depot.
e) During Train Launching to Main Line.
18. Which one is INCORRECT about the Responsibilities of Person-In-Charge? (1 Points).
a) Supervise the working party.
b) Work with the APOSTLE in a Track Possession.
c) Coordinate with the landlord regarding the work.
d) Inspection the track area for ensure no remained man or equipment.
e) Be in charge of the work for the safety and technical correctness of the work.
19. Who is approve for the Engineering Work that necessary for restoring or maintaining train service and/or due to a safety reason? (1 Points).
a) Line Controller.
b) Chief Controller.
c) Engineering Controller.
d) Control Division Manager.
e) Train Operations Director.
20. Which one is correct about the Engineering Work in depot? (1 Points).
a) Requires CCO permission for any works in Stabling Area.
b) Work Permit must be applied for any works in P_Way Workshop.
c) Requires an engineering train for supporting all engineering work.
d) Track Possession must be applied for the use of underfloor wheel lathe.
e) Before the commencement, the PIC must coordinate and seek permission from the MMS.
21. What is the position of “DO NOT MOVE” flags are placed on service train undergoing maintenance work? (1 Points).
a) Beside only C-Car.
b) Front end of the train.
c) Both ends of the train.
d) Beside both of A-Cars.
e) Inside both cabs of TO.
22. Which one is INCORRECT about the Safety Precautions for Use of Tools, Equipment and Machinery? (1 Points).
a) Defective or malfunction equipment must be clearly marked and isolated to eliminate risk.
b) All lifting gears and lifting appliances must be labelled or tagged with their registration number.
c) Tool, equipment and machinery must be used in accordance with the standard of MRTA.
d) Staff members working in the depot must be aware of moving machinery and mechanical appliances all the times.
e) Machinery and mechanical appliances must be operated by qualified person under the authorisation of the supervisor.
23. Before Using an appliance, What should to do when safety measures are not satisfied? (1 Points).
a) Suspended immediately.
b) Using under CCO approved.
c) Finding root cause before use.
d) Informs S&Q to check again before use.
e) Using under the authorisation of the supervisor.
24. What is the restricted speed when moving a mechanical appliance? (1 Points).
a) not more than 3 km/h.
b) not more than 5 km/h.
c) not more than 10 km/h.
d) not more than 25 km/h.
e) not more than 35 km/h.
25. Where is the area that Road/Rail Shunter must only be operated? (1 Points).
a) Main Workshop.
b) Train Washing Plant.
c) Stabling area and P_way.
d) Main Workshop and P_way.
e) Main Workshop and Stabling area.
26. If any calibration equipment is out of specification, What have to do for all measurements made by the equipment? (1 Points).
a) Re-performed.
b) Cancellation for all.
c) 1 month suspended for all.
d) Using under CCO approved.
e) Using under the authorisation of the supervisor.
27. What is the “PPE”? (1 Points).
a) Person protective equipment
b) Person preventive equipment
c) Personal protective equipment
d) Personal preventive equipment
e) Personal preparative equipment
28. Which is the range of Oxygen for safe working in Confined Space? (1 Points).
a) 18.5% ≤ Oxygen ≤ 22.5%
b) 19.0% ≤ Oxygen ≤ 23.0%
c) 19.5% ≤ Oxygen ≤ 22.5%
d) 19.5% ≤ Oxygen ≤ 23.5%
e) 20.0% ≤ Oxygen ≤ 24.0%
29. What is the worker should do? While he is refueling of Service Vehicle. (1 Points).
a) Smoking
b) Call his wife by mobile phone.
c) Stay inside the service vehicle.
d) Turn off engine of Service Vehicle.
e) Using hand portable radio for this work.
30. You make the large quantity of oil spill on track while you are working on track between Station S01 to S02. What should you do? (1 Points).
a) Report to LCO
b) Report to DCO
c) Report to SC S01
d) Report to SC S02
e) Report to SC S01 and SC S02
31. Which one is incorrect? (1 Points).
a) Safety shoes are PPE.
b) After refueling oil, the cover must be closed.
c) Some confined space location must not provide with label at entry point.
d) Every opening of which a person may fall must be covered or guarded by an effective barrier to prevent falls.
e) Spillage of oil on the premises of the MRT system other than track must be reported to the landlord immediately.
32. Which is not a matter of Electrical safety ? (1 Points).
a. Only qualified person can work on electrical system and equipment.
b. A work permit is required for working on electrical system/e