After a while, Ariel recovered.
Now, as if putting on airs, she’s wearing a normal expression.
I washed her dirty pants and panties with water magic and dried them with my original magic 『Dry Steaming』, a melded magic of fire and wind.
In exchange for the rapid drying, the fabric gets damaged.
Aisha gets angry if I use it, thus it is designated as a forbidden technique in my home.
There’s no choice, it can be said that this time is an emergency.
......Even so, although I intended to live a relatively long life,
I never thought that there would come a day where I get to wash the princess’s panties.
As expected of a princess, even her panties are made of this world’s high quality silk......
While I am washing her panties, Ariel is wearing my robe that I gave her.
Length is it limited to those long robes again.[2]
Currently, Ariel is wearing the dried trousers and pants.
While wearing the robe that has touched the naked nether regions of a princess, I get excited over the sweet smell that floats in the air.
Maybe because I haven’t done anything erotic in the past few days, my gauge has accumulated a bit.
I’ll expend it later.
Since Eris and Sylphy are nearby, I’ll hold back for now.
Orsted watches me suspiciously while I was busy thinking this.
"I apologize Orsted-sama, for I have shown you such an unsightly appearance."
"No, it’s alright."
After things settled down, Ariel spoke to Orsted.
Her face is slightly pale, but it doesn’t show her fear of Orsted.
"Please don’t show such a scary face."
"It's my normal face."
"Oh, this must be the effect of the curse."
"That is right."
Even so, I wonder why Orsted came out.
Never mind that.
It is the boss’s decision.
Now, your job is to watch the conversation between these two people.
"I see. Although I’ve met many Mikos and cursed children.... I can see that there is an exceptionally strong curse on you."
"However, you seem to be able to overcome that. "
"Being able to negotiate diplomatically under any circumstance is the forte of the Asura royal family."
"Though, deep down you don’t trust me."
"Yes, therefore I hoped for the opportunity to be able to talk to you."
Conversation, such as mutual checks and balances.
Now, it's my turn to feel uncomfortable.
No, being a good audience is fine.
The sweet smell that’s wafting from the robe makes me anxious and lose concentration.
"Let’s go straight to the point. Orsted-sama, why do you lend me your support?"
"Because the person behind Darius is my enemy."
"Behind it my brother? The first prince Grabell?"
"It’s someone else."
"Then, who could it be?"
Your question is hard to answer for now, even for the boss.....
"It’s the Human God 『Hitogami』."
Oh, you said Hitogami’s name.
I wonder what Orsted intends to do by revealing that much.
Although I think it’s unnecessary, since Ariel won’t become your enemy.
"When you say Human God, do you mean the one from the myths or one of the gods of creation?"
"That Human God and my enemy Hitogami are not necessarily the same, but that’s what he calls himself."
"For what reason would such a God team up with Darius?"
"In order to kill you, and make Grabell the king."
"Haa ......"
Ariel had a face that was taken aback.
With that face, she slowly looks at me.
".....I see. Although it sounds unbelievable, it doesn’t appear to be a lie now that I look at Rudeus-sama’s face."
My face is being used as a lie detector.
Am I so easy to read?
Even though I was putting on my best poker face.
I’ll consult with Sylphy about this.
What she thinks about my face.
...... I wonder if she will say that I’m handsome.
"But, why does such an exalted deity favor my brother…...? Is it because he is more suitable to be the king?"
"No, Hitogami operates for more selfish reasons."
"......May I hear more about those reasons?"
Orsted looks at me.
After making a slightly troubled face, he turned to face Ariel.
"In about 100 years, the Asura Kingdom will be exposed to danger."
"Whether you or Grabell becomes king will affect how the Asura Kingdom responds to that danger."
Hey, I’ve never heard this story before.
“If Grabell became king, it will try to resolve the crisis through military weaponry. If you became king, it will resolve the crisis through magic."
"When you say 100 years later, will we still be alive...?"
“The policies made by you two after you become king are different. Grabell will head down the path of weapon development and you will pour resources into military magic development."
Boss, why didn’t you tell me this story?
"If you rely on military power, Asura Kingdom will fall. In the case of relying on magic, Asura Kingdom will survive. "
"Hitogami wants the Asura Kingdom to perish."
Perhaps, Orsted is lying?
And made up a story that is convenient for Ariel.
......But, if Ariel tries to check the truth by looking at my face, won’t the lie be exposed?
"Why does Hitogami want the Asura kingdom to perish...... ?"
"Because the person who will defeat him is born in the Asura Kingdom."
"Then those people are obstacles to him?"
"That’s right."
Ariel looks convinced.
"Then, Orsted-sama needs that person?"
"That’s right."
Ariel places her chin on her hand and strikes a thinking pose.
She peers at me with a somewhat troubled face.
Stop! Don’t look at me!
Don’t use the lie detector!
No, this poker face of mine will cover for Orsted.
"Well, I couldn’t even fathom an answer like that, so I’m a little confused. I wonder if I can believe it ...... "
It seems she thinks it’s lie.
Damn it.
"There is no need to believe me, though I'll tell you what you want to know."
"What I want to know, you said?"
While Orsted said that patronizingly, Ariel seemed surprised.
"Luke Notus Greyrat did not betray you. However, he is being manipulated by Hitogami."
From Ariel’s face, her smile disappeared.
The smile that had been stuck as the default expression has disappeared.
"He is being manipulated?"
"He was told by Hitogami, [It’s for Ariel’s sake], and went down the wrong path."
"Luke is a wise man despite how he looks, do you think he’d be deceived that easily?"
"When people are given beneficial information by someone, they will trust that person easily."
Although Orsted has not given any beneficial information to me.
Well, that and believing it are different things.
"It’s a sudden and unbelievable story, but...... Rudeus-sama, what do you think?"
I was suddenly shaken.
I think it's a good play.
Orsted is telling such crazy lies,
If I can’t back those up with a satisfactory answer, then she will see through the lie on the spot.
However, to this question, I answered.
"I was manipulated by Hitogami for a long time. That guy appeared in my dreams and gave me advice many times which yield immediate results. Thanks to that, I obtained many things.
As for Hitogami, in the very end, it was all a strategic move to betray me at the last moment. I acted in accordance with the advice of that guy, and believed him. Then, I was betrayed. In the end, I was forced to fight Orsted-sama last time.
I believe that Luke’s situation is similar."
As a matter of fact, I’m surprised at my own speech.
Listening to that, the smile on Ariel’s face disappeared, and Ariel turns to face Orsted.
Her mouth is opening repeatedly, while she shook her head to and fro.
Once again, she looked up after she decided on what to say. I think.
"That means ...... Luke is not on Darius’s side right?"
"Yes, although he’s been made to cooperate unwittingly,
Luke himself isn’t conscious about it."
Putting aside everything else, what Ariel wanted to hear about the most was Luke.
From the authenticity of Orsted's words.....
".....I am relieved to hear that."
"Do you believe me?"
"If it were any other situation, I would not believe it. Though, there are things that made me convinced. Rudeus-sama ... frequently takes glances at Luke."
I was taking that many glances at him.....?
"Although everything feels too convenient ..... You might be deceiving me, but I will try to believe it."
Ariel replied while looking towards me.
Orsted aside, I wonder if she’s believing it because of me.
It's good news, but it's complicated.
"So, are there others that are Hitogami’s apostles?"
"Darius is a candidate."
"That’s probably for the best. Anyone else?"
"There is a high possibility that either the North Emperor Auber or the Water God Reida is an apostle."
"...... The apostles, there are only three?"
"Yes, no more that that."
"I see."
Ariel nodded.
"In other words, Rudeus-sama and Orsted-sama. The reason that you fight the apostles is so you can stop Hitogami’s plans?"
"Yes. You learn fast."
"There’s a reason why I take pride in being an understanding person."
Although Ariel says that proudly, she didn’t smile.
Ever since earlier, her facial expression has been stiff.
"So, Orsted-sama. I have a proposal."
"Since our purposes are aligned, I think I will also follow the instructions of Orsted-sama."
"...... Even if you have that intention, those around you won’t listen."
"It's all well and good if the others don’t know about this. Even if I sold my soul to the devil, it’s impossible to complain if no one knew."
Ah, Orsted just looked a little down when she called him a devil.
"I will do anything to win. The stronger the allies, the better."
"......Didn’t you consider the possibility that I lied and would betray you at the last moment?"
"I’m not stupid enough to miss a chance because of fear of risks."