#1 Assignment (Final Exam) – 30 point
1. In your opinion, what will be the future of ASEAN in terms of regional cooperation, security, trade and cultural exchange? Please explain as well as give examples where appropriate.
2. Can you give an example of international dispute within Southeast Asian countries? In your view, why is it important and to what extent does it affect ASEAN’s regional collaboration?
3. Can you give an example of a prominent ASEAN leader – from Second World War until present? Why is he/she significant for the development of such country? What’s the impact of his/her role in nation-building and/or economic development?
#2 Assignments (20)
You’ve heard of the passing (death) of Lee Kuan Yew – the former prime minister of Singapore. Why do you think Lee Kuan Yew is central to the making of modern Singapore – the prosperous Singapore that we see today? Explain in great details.
Deadline: Wednesday 13th at 5pm