Several recent researches have now shown the relationship between insufficient sleep and weight gain among adolescents. Because of Inefficient sleep is a common problem in a pace of modern life hastens and it is increasing in every span of life. Sleep is time for body to regenerate every part and has been known to influence the physical and emotional well-being, insufficient sleep can come up with many unwanted side effects including to memory system, blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, hormone, and some cognitive abilities. Moreover, “Lacking of sleep might be lead to weight gain and obesity by increasing eating time and maintaining of healthy lifestyle more difficult”, Pramukhswami Medical College (2011,p.192). In a current environment which food is readily available, caloric intake may be directly affect to proportional time spent awake, particularly a large proportion of waking hours during sedentary activities such as snacking when watching TV or playing computer, Guglielmo & Silvana (2011,p.4)