featured realistic envi while the program was initially designed to meet Airways own training needs, it attracted significant attention and was subsequently used as a training facility number of overseas organisations innovations included a nautical mile horizontal separation standard introduced in 2006, described as a world Changing from the former standard of 100 nautical miles, separating aircraft by 30 nautical miles lateral and longitudinal effectively increased airspace capacity and improved efficiency for aircraft. While the required distances between aircraft were reduced, safety standards were preserved. User Preferred Routing and Dynamic Airborne Rerouting were then introduced, allowing pilots to alter routes while in flight based on prevailing weather conditions and so achieve better in-flight efficiency. Further, a joint venture with a US company for English-language aviation training was identified as a growth market by Airways and viewed as a promising opportunity due to changes in legislation in 2008 requiring all pilots and air traffic controllers to speak aviation English to an appropriate standard. The product subsequently developed was a mixture of computer and classroom training for professionals who could not operate without the endorsement that they had appropriate aviation-English language skills, with a command of various technical terms and jargon. In 2007, Airways introduced the Online Arrivals Collaborative Manager system, which allowed real-time information to be shared between airlines, airport companies and Airways for agreed flight scheduling during disruptive weather conditions. In 2008, the company trialled Optimised Arrival, which allowed flexibility for landing aircraft in terms of fuel and environmental efficiencies. More than 80 new ideas, concepts and suggestions for both large and small innovations had been put forward by staff Airways attributed its success to organisational learning and a culture increasingly focused on innovation.33 Referring to another potential investment, Heesterman noted Because you're out there, you get these lopportunities]. And I don't think it's just luck, but it's not [always] something we sat down and thought of six months ago. So I mean it sort of reflects that being out there does have some value. Figure C2.2 provides an overview of Airways' accomplishments and achievements.