Most people discover this site by searching for all sorts of topics related to Thailand on google. But from what I see in my site stats the majority of first time visitors are typing in phrases like “what do thai girls think”, “farang and thai woman” or “sex with thai girl”. And even though I don’t have a specific article to each and every single search phrase out there, a lot of you guys then hit up one of the most read articles on Thailand Redcat: Are Thai Girls all about money?
What I’m basically saying in this piece is that not all Thai girls are about money. While this is just half of the truth and a somewhat general statement as well, what I really meant to say there is: You can have a hell lot of fun here in Thailand and meet and sleep with beautiful Thai women over and over again without paying much money. You might even find your girl paying the bills in the cinema, restaurant or for the taxi back to her place.
That’s especially true if you’re dating women who are around your age or older. You should always be aware that age matters a lot in Thailand and the fact that the words “pee” (พี่) for older person and “noong” (น้อง) for younger person always replace the actual name of someone you don’t know yet. It’s not just that the older siblings are the main caretaker in the family both for the parents and also for the younger brothers and sisters – but this also applies to relationships where the man is usually older than the woman.
One side note before we get into the interesting part: Of course we are talking about “normal Thai women” here, means girls with day jobs, office girls and students. If you fall in love with any sort of bar girl, you’re paying 98% of all bills from day one with the exception being the 8 Baht a person for the non-airconditioned bus ticket in Bangkok (supposing she’s cool with hopping on one) and the rare occasions she walks to the 7-Eleven by herself and doesn’t ask you for a couple of notes to get her daily supply of snacks and toiletries.
Anyway, thanks for still reading. Maybe I have lost a few of you guys already after these first paragraphs as I basically made two completely contradictory statements. First I said you can have fun with Thai women for free and then claiming that since age matters a lot in Thai society and men are usually looking for younger women (and vice versa) it’s us guys who pay most of the time. So what the heck do I mean by that? Let me start by saying:
The longer you are dating a Thai woman, the more you take on your role as the caretaker in the relationship.
And yes, by caretaker I mean the financial caretaker in the relationship. It’s really as easy as that. Thai women simply still don’t have the ambition and chance to earn more money than the guys or make career in one of the (very few) big companies. Yes they can earn some good money by working as pretties and hostesses at events and do model jobs here and there or sell beauty products on facebook as long as they’re young and gifted. But they know if they want to keep their current lifestyle they need to find a guy who takes care of them once they passed their 20s.
Maybe a few of you guys now think hey I know some chicks who work as real estate agents and are doing really good. But then ask yourself how many of them are olden then say 35? Yes, there are always exceptions but I bet you don’t know a lot who are over 35 and make more money than their husband, no matter whether Thai or Farang.
In that regards, I would compare the situation in Thailand with the one in western countries some 50 years ago when it was the man who worked full time and the woman taking care of the household and children at home. I tell you this is still the case in my own home in Germany where my dad always supported our family financially while my mom prepared the meals, did the laundry, cleaned up the house and was always around when me or my sister needed her (while still working part time).
Taking Care of your Thai Woman
And yes, this is exactly how it works in Thailand. Some guys ask their Thai women to still take up a job or buy her a small business like a coffee shop to keep her busy while others just want to have her around all the time and give her some pocket money every other day or on a monthly basis which is then called “ngen duan” (money month, เงินเดือน) and yes that’s exactly the same word as the salary for employees.
If you are ever thinking about marrying a Thai woman then what you should be aware of is that you are not marrying only one person but a whole family and are supposed to take part in all sorts of social gatherings but also the moment you are asking her parents for permission to marry her you need to promise them to take care (in Thai “duu lee”, ดูแล) of her always. In many cases they even want to have a look at your bank book (or book bank) to check on your savings and regular income.
And there’s more to the marrying part: Ever heard of Sin Sod (sǐn sɔ̀ɔt, สินสอด)? That’s the a