Data Analysis
Data Analysis
Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics (frequencies,
percentages, mean, and standard deviation) independent t-test statistics and
the linear regression model so as to elicit information on the demographic
profile of the respondents and also evaluate determinants of credit repayment
ability among cooperative farmers in Awka North L.G.A of Anambra state,
Nigeria. The demographic profile were processed using descriptive statistics
such as frequency and percentages, objectives two and three were analyzed
using mean and standard deviation, hypothesis one was processed using the
regression model while hypotheses two and three were tested using the
paired t-test statistics and independent t-test statistics respectively. All the
analysis were done using SPSS version 17. independent t-test statistics and
the linear regression model so as to elicit information on the demographic
profile of the respondents and also evaluate determinants of credit repayment
ability among cooperative farmers in Awka North L.G.A of Anambra state,
Nigeria. The demographic profile were processed using descriptive statistics
such as frequency and percentages, objectives two and three were analyzed
using mean and standard deviation, hypothesis one was processed using the
regression model while hypotheses two and three were tested using the
paired t-test statistics and independent t-test statistics respectively. All the
analysis were done using SPSS version 17.