General: alert, well-nourished man who appears restless and anxious; head of bed elevated 45 degrees; skin cool with moderate diaphoresis
Respiratory: no accessory muscle use, retractions, or paradoxic breathing; respiratory rate 28 breaths/min; SpO2 88%; fine crackles at lung bases. The nurse also assessed the patient’s chest and abdominal wall excursion as well as depth and pattern of respiration.
Cardiovascular: blood pressure 100/60 mm Hg; cardiac monitor shows sinus tachycardia at 120 beats/min, with equal apical-radial pulse; temperature 101° F (38° C) orally.
Gastrointestinal: surgical dressing dry and intact; sharp pain on palpation over incisional area
Urologic: urinary catheter draining concentrated urine, less than 30 mL per hour