Disadvantages of Using Mobile or smartphone
in a University Classroom
While students can access dictionaries and other online
information for learning during class time, the same use is inappropriate during
a quiz. Also, watching videos that are not related to the lesson, playing online
games, and using social networks for connecting with friends but not in the target
language are inappropriate uses of the device during class
disruptions in learning.
Cheating in studied.For examples, Looking at dictionaries or searching for answers during a quiz or a
test is a serious academic offence and should be dealt with appropriately. However,
it may be difficult to observe such an offence while using.
Disconnecting of learning in classroom because some educators believe that students spend too much time with
digital devices, which contribute to an alienation of students in the classroom.
They believe that students should spend time in a classroom doing group
activities that contribute to social interaction.
Technical Problems of Using digital devices in the classroom requires the
instructors to spend a substantial amount of time planning for the lessons,
training with the hardware before classes begin and spending some time during
class to distribute the devices and returning them after class. The amount of time
spent during class to teach the student how to use the devices is also a problem.
Moreover, some technical problems may arise during class such as network failures
and individual students having problems with the hardware require the instructor
to troubleshoot the issues as well as instructing individual students on how to
resolve problems.