You should learn more about binaural beats before making illogical comments. :)
Sep 3, 2012
jpowell180Sep 3, 2012
Sounds like I am in the TARDIS..(hopefully alone with Amy Pond ;)
All Comments
Mar 23, 2014
Travee WillisMar 23, 2014
9HZ is for concentration (studying, reading etc). if youre trying to relax/sleep/meditate, go lower, anything below 9hz.
Feb 19, 2014
Jihad BunnydickFeb 19, 2014
Feb 19, 2014
Jihad BunnydickFeb 19, 2014
Feb 7, 2014
Oscar CurielFeb 7, 2014
i love nine
Jan 25, 2014
TributeToTeslaJan 25, 2014
Is this going to help with seasonal effective disorder?
Nov 24, 2013
OrlandoNov 24, 2013
It can be anywhere around 12am, all the way to 4:30am. I'm sorry you're having trouble sleeping. I have a video with wind sound effects. Maybe that could help? No guarantees but it might be worth a shot. Good luck.
Nov 23, 2013
OriginalRipndipNov 23, 2013
this is crap, im extremely sleep deprived and I don't want to to take pills. THIS DOESN"T WORK! What time of the night is it when you tried to sleep?
Sep 9, 2013
OrlandoSep 9, 2013
Please help, I've been laying down for about an hour trying to relax with these and nothing is working.
Jul 18, 2013
AudioEntrainmentJul 18, 2013
Downloading with download helper will take away the quality some, but It will still be effective. What frequency you are listening to (9hz, 12hz) etc does make a difference! Several different frequencies have lots of different effects! I suggest you look more into the effects of frequencies for info because its way too much to post here. Headphones are required for binaural beats but "the frequency" of the headphones won't matter, all will work fine. Best wishes.
Jul 3, 2013
jeroenhengeloooJul 3, 2013
Jul 3, 2013
jeroenhengeloooJul 3, 2013
Best. Music. Ever.
Jun 2, 2013
AudioEntrainmentJun 2, 2013
May 23, 2013
ambinauticMay 23, 2013
nice link :D thank you
May 23, 2013
AudioEntrainmentMay 23, 2013
This is one of the first sessions I created before having the website that allowed free downloads so I no longer have the original mp3 or wav files. That being said there are websites you can plug in the url and get an mp3 of it. I don't believe they are the best quality, but better than nothing i suppose.
May 23, 2013
ambinauticMay 23, 2013
i want to download this
Mar 15, 2013
Pietro MorerioMar 15, 2013
Come on, a bit of physic never hurt anyone Check Wikipedia for "Beat (acoustics)"
Mar 11, 2013
Kristin WisemanMar 11, 2013
this song sucks
Feb 28, 2013
Fan PingFeb 28, 2013
i cant hear anything... but it feels weird on my ears
Feb 5, 2013
enydnightshadeFeb 5, 2013
How frequent should i listen to alpha wave if it's one hour? Wouldn't i overdose myself if i do the one hour everyday? Thanks!!
Jan 30, 2013
AudioEntrainmentJan 30, 2013
I don't think there are any residual effects on your ears... best volume is low to medium.. or whatever is most comfortable for you.
Jan 30, 2013
0omitcho0Jan 30, 2013
Sorry if this is a stupid question, but does repeated listening of this have any effect on your ears? Is there an optimal volume?
Jan 21, 2013
anthony berryJan 21, 2013
Jan 21, 2013
anthony berryJan 21, 2013
Jan 21, 2013
Ven JemersicJan 21, 2013
Listened during masturbation... I think my dick is harder
Dec 4, 2012
Joseph De VitoDec 4, 2012
THANKS AGAIN :) joseph
Dec 3, 2012
Joseph De VitoDec 3, 2012
THANK YOU :) joseph
Nov 27, 2012
Will OrthNov 27, 2012
(174hz) Base Frequency i need a lower one
Oct 21, 2012
AudioEntrainmentOct 21, 2012
You should learn more about binaural beats before making illogical comments. :)
Sep 3, 2012
jpowell180Sep 3, 2012
Sounds like I am in the TARDIS..(hopefully alone with Amy Pond ;)
May 29, 2012
Kayla BartelMay 29, 2012
Listened while studying...felt more focused.
Apr 9, 2012
funyoudeApr 9, 2012
hearing this while playing a pc game... i feel i have better r
คุณควรศึกษาเพิ่มเติมเกี่ยวกับ binaural เต้นก่อนที่จะทำความเห็นเรื่องไร้เหตุผล :)กันยายน 3, 2012jpowell180Sep 3, 2012ดูเหมือนฉัน TARDIS ใน... (หวังว่าคนเดียวกับมีบ่อ;)ความคิดเห็นทั้งหมด23 มี.ค. 2014Travee WillisMar 23, 20149HZ สำหรับความเข้มข้น (เรียน อ่านฯลฯ) ได้ ถ้าคุณพยายามที่จะพักผ่อน/นอน/นั่งสมาธิ ไปล่าง ล่าง 9hz อะไร19 ก.พ. 2014ญิฮา BunnydickFeb 19, 2014ส่วนที่แตกต่าง19 ก.พ. 2014ญิฮา BunnydickFeb 19, 2014Retardis7 ก.พ. 2014Oscar CurielFeb 7, 2014รักเก้า25 มกราคม 2014TributeToTeslaJan 25, 2014จะนี้จะช่วยให้ มีโรคตามฤดูกาลมีผลบังคับใช้ 24 พฤศจิกายน 2013OrlandoNov 24, 2013มันได้ทุกประมาณ 12 am ทั้งหมดวิธีการ 4:30 am ผมขออภัยคุณมีปัญหาในการนอน วิดีโอที่ มีเสียงลมแล้ว บางทีที่สามารถช่วยได้อย่างไร ไม่มีประกันแต่อาจฉัตร โชคดี23 nov, 2013OriginalRipndipNov 23, 2013นี้เป็นอึ im มากนอนหลับปราศจากและฉันไม่ต้องการใช้ยา "ไม่ทำนี้ DOESN เวลากลางคืนเมื่อคุณพยายามที่จะนอนหลับหรือเปล่ากันยายน 9, 2013OrlandoSep 9, 2013กรุณาช่วย ฉันได้ถูกวางลงในประมาณชั่วโมงพยายามผ่อนคลาย ด้วยเหล่านี้ และไม่ทำงาน18 ก.ค. 56AudioEntrainmentJul 18, 2013Downloading with download helper will take away the quality some, but It will still be effective. What frequency you are listening to (9hz, 12hz) etc does make a difference! Several different frequencies have lots of different effects! I suggest you look more into the effects of frequencies for info because its way too much to post here. Headphones are required for binaural beats but "the frequency" of the headphones won't matter, all will work fine. Best wishes.Jul 3, 2013jeroenhengeloooJul 3, 2013JokinggJul 3, 2013jeroenhengeloooJul 3, 2013Best. Music. Ever.Jun 2, 2013AudioEntrainmentJun 2, 2013Headphones!May 23, 2013ambinauticMay 23, 2013nice link :D thank youMay 23, 2013AudioEntrainmentMay 23, 2013This is one of the first sessions I created before having the website that allowed free downloads so I no longer have the original mp3 or wav files. That being said there are websites you can plug in the url and get an mp3 of it. I don't believe they are the best quality, but better than nothing i suppose.May 23, 2013ambinauticMay 23, 2013i want to download thisMar 15, 2013Pietro MorerioMar 15, 2013Come on, a bit of physic never hurt anyone Check Wikipedia for "Beat (acoustics)"Mar 11, 2013Kristin WisemanMar 11, 2013this song sucksFeb 28, 2013Fan PingFeb 28, 2013i cant hear anything... but it feels weird on my earsFeb 5, 2013enydnightshadeFeb 5, 2013How frequent should i listen to alpha wave if it's one hour? Wouldn't i overdose myself if i do the one hour everyday? Thanks!!Jan 30, 2013AudioEntrainmentJan 30, 2013I don't think there are any residual effects on your ears... best volume is low to medium.. or whatever is most comfortable for you.Jan 30, 20130omitcho0Jan 30, 2013Sorry if this is a stupid question, but does repeated listening of this have any effect on your ears? Is there an optimal volume?Jan 21, 2013anthony berryJan 21, 2013SORRY, TO MUCH 'EWOK-NIP'.Jan 21, 2013anthony berryJan 21, 2013CARBON - BASED PRECURSOR TO CRYSTALLINE FROM. BRAVO. Jan 21, 2013Ven JemersicJan 21, 2013Listened during masturbation... I think my dick is harderDec 4, 2012Joseph De VitoDec 4, 2012THANKS AGAIN :) josephDec 3, 2012Joseph De VitoDec 3, 2012THANK YOU :) josephNov 27, 2012Will OrthNov 27, 2012(174hz) Base Frequency i need a lower oneOct 21, 2012AudioEntrainmentOct 21, 2012You should learn more about binaural beats before making illogical comments. :)Sep 3, 2012jpowell180Sep 3, 2012Sounds like I am in the TARDIS..(hopefully alone with Amy Pond ;)May 29, 2012Kayla BartelMay 29, 2012Listened while studying...felt more focused. Apr 9, 2012funyoudeApr 9, 2012hearing this while playing a pc game... i feel i have better r
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