End of May 2016 until end of January 2018: The effects of this influence are not always spectacular, but if you watch carefully, you will notice that there are all kinds of new and stimulating happenings in your life. It is not running along in the usual manner. But the changes and the unexpected events are not especially disturbing to you. Instead they open up new understandings and opportunities and give you a feeling that life still has some excitement and potential for growth.
Opportunities may come about through friends, or they may simply pop up in some other area of your everyday environment. You may become involved with a new group of people who live in a way that you hadn't thought possible before. You may be attracted to new philosophies and new techniques for managing your life. This is one of the influences under which people begin to study astrology.
All of these events are expressing your desire for greater freedom of self-expression. During this time you have the opportunity to gain greater control over your life and to make it a better vehicle for what you want to do. Any relationship that begins under this influence will be an expression of this fact, and even old relationships will be changed so that they further your objectives. Opportunities for advancement in your work will come suddenly through relationships with your superiors.
All of this sounds like luck, but this influence actually is showing you that your life can be much more free and that your potentials are greater than you have realized. We all have a natural tendency to settle into comfortable ruts, which can be severely limiting. But the energy of this influence acts suddenly, so that you are forced to sit up and take notice. The purpose of this influence is to tell you who you are.
It is not giving you anything you haven't earned