The effect of blanching and slice thickness on drying characteristics of leek was studied. Drying experiments were performed in a cabinet
dryer. Drying time decreased with blanching, but it increased considerably with increased slice thickness of leek. Besides, predrying treatment
such as blanching was found to improve the rehydration capacities of leek slices. The experimental drying curves obtained show only a falling
rate period. In order to estimate and select the suitable form air drying curves, seven different mathematical models were applied to the experimental
data. Determination of coefficient (R2), reduced chi-square (χ2) and root mean square error (ERMS) were used for determination of the
best suitable model. Among the mathematical models investigated, the logarithmic and Midilli et al. models satisfactorily described the drying
behaviour of leek slices with highest R2 and lowest χ2 and ERMS. The effective moisture diffusivity during drying varied from 1.145 to
2.642×10−10 m2/s.
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