at a restaurant. How was the food? How was the service? Did you find dried cof- foe marks on the side of cup? Did the person waiting on you smile and your make you feel welcome? Writedown your experiences on a piece of paper try to recall the atmosphere, your mood, whether people were Smoking around you, if young children were misbehaving, and the menu Selection. Now using your notes to recreate your experience, think about the factors that made the eating ex- perience pleasant or unpleasant. The point here is that your satisfaction in con-suming this meal was due to a combination ot tangible and intangible factors involving the meal self and the Service you received. Similarly your product (the sponsorship package), and the Services you provide (the extra touches), will be important to the overall sponsorship experience for your client company. You will have to consider both these dimensions as you design your Sponsorship package
THE TYPICAl-SPORTS SPONSORSHIP PACKAGE Describing the typical Sports Sponsorship package is not-ล straightforward Chapter Swe the three ณ์fect its strucmre. spectrum, and character. These were the targeted unit. the goal for the targeted unit, and the athletic platform. We saw how the and matching ot these three dimen ca result many different sponsorship needs. But ths infor- mation alone is insufficient. You must understand what has value to a spon" Sor. You beg this understanding, process by taking ลบdit of letic ลท your at platform, where you หote the following The athletic platform component you want to offer The character stics of your primary consumers Yourathkticpjattorm mสge o The market size otyour participants TM market sized your Spectators o The market Size of tele on spectators The data you collect by conducting th audit will provide you with ล summary of your tangible and intangible assets. Figure 9.1 provides you with an example such an audit completed for a college recreational three-on-thTee basketball tournament. As demonstrated in Figure 9.1, first position youT athletic platform component in the center of the chart-Then analyze its primary consumers, geo- graphical scope, and market niche. Describe the current StaffS ability, the image of your athletic platform, an other intangible factors that may influence how companies will evaluate your athletic platform. Each year you Tun your event, you should gather additional data to give you more insight about your product Once vou have completed audit, you are ready to write a Summary statement about who you are. Keep this Summary Statement Short and to the point. A one-Sentence Ortwo-sentence response to the following wi suffice