The present study was conducted to prepare the gluten-free cookies from raw and germinated Chenopodium
album flours. The physico-chemical, functional, pasting and morphological properties of raw and
germinated C. album flour were studied. The gluten free cookies developed from both flours were
compared with wheat flour cookies. Germination increased protein content of flour from 13.12 g to
15.45 g/100 g, total dietary fibre from 35.50 g to 38.61 g/100 g, antioxidant activity from 14.10% to 18.20%
and total phenolic from 241 mg/100 g to 565 mg/100 g while fat content was decreased from 6.5 g to
4.13 g/100 g and carbohydrate from 54.61 g to 50.66 g/100 g, respectively. Germination improved
functional properties and decreased pasting properties of C. album flour. Scanning electron micrographs
of flour revealed the presence of polygonal and angular starch granules. The raw flour showed continuous
composite structure of starch embedded in dense protein matrix. However germination caused
destruction of this continuous structure. Germinated C. album flour cookies revealed highest antioxidant
activity (23.97 g/100 g), total phenolic (671 mg/100 g) and total dietary fibre (38.77 g/100 g) as compared
to raw C. album and wheat flour cookies.