A Red Dragon is a creature that flies in the sky.
Its outer shell is resilient and is deceptively dexterous.
And truth be told, a Dragon on the ground is a dreadfully powerful thing.
In this chaotic scene.
The Quagmire goes to work.
[I'm putting up the smokescreen! Please scatter while you retreat!]
Quagmire was calm.
Using much practiced Fire Magic, he vaporizes the latent snow around him to raise a wall of steam.
A smokescreen, improvised from the use of the surrounding nature.
A skilled magician cheating the enemy of its vision.
However, the Rogue Dragon was also clever and sharp-eyed.
It took aim at the Quagmire.
Quagmire fled from it in the opposite direction of the retreating group members.
If he was targeted, it was his role to make it give chase.
Speedy Quagmire.
He was alive now because of the training he did every morning.
He knew the secret to staying alive was to be able to keep running, to keep moving away.
The vexed dragon's mouth was burning; it opened wide, and what spewed forth was a hellish flame.
In a mere moment, the entire surrounding area was painted with fire.
It was the Red Dragon's finishing move: [Fire Breath].
Everything in the path of the flame was incinerated.
Was the Quagmire killed by this?
No, He was still alive.
Quagmire glanced backward quickly and instantly raised a titanic wall of water.
As Quagmire moved, he tore through the densely rising steam.
Embers of flame burnt the edge of his robe.
He paid it no mind, and instead started magically producing a casing of rock.
The rock bullet shot forth at a high speed and pierced the scaly hide of the Red Dragon.
Rock bullets were released one after another.
The Red Dragon managed to avoid several of them.
However, it could not avoid all of the bullets that traveled at such a high speed.
The Red Dragon immediately turned around and prepared to take flight.
The Red Dragon was also a wise creature. It immediately understood that small creature called "Quagmire" was concealing a high offensive power.
The Quagmire doesn't give chase.
Did he let the precious prey escape?
It seemed so at the time.
The howl of the Red Dragon echoed.
Before it could get away, a quagmire came to be in existence.
The Red Dragon found itself having sunk into a highly adhesive mire of mud. Again and again, the Quagmire calls his magical power forth. The Red Dragon madly tries to escape from the mud, but finds the mud it's trapped in is becoming more and more adhesive and even solidifying.
[Ah, captured....]
The little Quagmire muttered something so unexpected, then proceeded to smash the squirming Red Dragon with an enormous mass of rock.