―Stress Management is interventions designed to reduce the impact of stressors in the workplace. These can have an individual focus, aimed at increasing an individual’s ability to cope with stressors. Stress Management programs can also have an organizational focus and attempt to remove the stressors in a role. For example, improving communication may reduce uncertainty. Programs with an organizational focus are relatively rare‖. (Glossary of Oxford University Press 2005). From less scientific point of view and more meditation, Stress Management is the program of meditation, deep relaxation and the actions to change the created situation and intended to reduce the effects of stress on the system.
All people are different, but all as one want to have more than they already have. Some are influenced by circumstances, crises, and unexpected changes at the workplace. Others are changing themselves. If a person wants to know how to change his/her boring existence or wants to learn how to deal with cowardly fear of threading through obstacles with a smile on his/her face and to go through life with it, and finally wants to be strong everywhere and always, even in the face of dismissal, the person should learn the stress management program.
Stress Management is still on its first steps of development. In practice the Stress Management could be compared with playing soulful music. Beautiful music can be presented only if a musician empathizes with the composer and learn how to play the particular instrument or to listen to the other’s play. Similarly, Stress Management program needs to be studied in depth beforehand, and only after that, it actually can be implemented. The company, which intends to practice the program, needs to empathize with the program participants in order to choose the techniques of Stress Management most suitable for individuals or specific whole organization. A musician trained in the Italian style of classic music may enjoy but cannot play the guitar in French way, and vice-verse. So we can say that ―the knowledge of stress and its management is a science, the practice of Stress Management is an art‖. (Agrawal. 2001, 21).