enhancing) weight management program, the comprehensive behavioral intervention resulted in statistically significant differences in weight and BMI from baseline to 6 months, due largely to the prevention of weight or BMI gain in the intervention group as shown in table 2.
Self-Esteem: The intervention affected self-esteem through its impacts on participants’ self-efficacy beliefs in eating appropriately and intention to exercise regularly. Thus, this intervention treatment had overall positive impacts, including the most significant impact on adolescents’ self-esteem after the intervention (t=3.2, p=0.002) using the t-test between the pre- and post-tests in the intervention group;
whereas there was no statistical significant difference in the self-esteem of the control group (p=0.273).
Lifestyle behaviours: Although there was no significant difference in lifestyle behaviors between the two groups, the mean score increased by 3.04 in the intervention group. The mean score for lifestyle behaviours decreased by 3.63 in the control group.
Body shape: The intervention group achieved a slight weight loss from baseline to post-treatment (-0.05kg + 0.61) compared with the control group (+2.18 kg ± 2.93; t=-1.27; p=0.21). The intervention group perceived a greater change in body shape from baseline to post-treatment for the self-judgment of good or excellent (from 57.6% to