This,O monks,is the truth of the Arisin of suffering.It is this thirst or craving(tanha) which gives rise to rebirth, which is bound up with passionate delight and which seeks fresh pleasure now here and now there in the form of
(1) thirst for sensual pleasure,
(2) thirst for existence and
(3) thirst for non- existence
The Truth or Arising states that craving or thirst manifests itself in three main forms,
The first of which is thirst for sensual pleasure
This takes the form of craving for gratification through the objects of the senses,
such as the desire to experience pleasant tastes, sensation ,odours , sights , and sounds.
The second is thirst for existence.
This refers to the deep instinctual will to be with drives us on to new lives and new experiences.
The third way that craving manifests itself is as the desire not to posses, but to destroy.
This is the shadow side of desire, manifested in the impulse to negate, deny and reject that which is unpleasant or unwelcome.
The desire to destroy can also lead to self-denying and self-negating behavior.
Low self-esteem and thoughts such as “I’m no good” or “I’m failure” are manifestations of this attitude when directed towords the self.
In extreme forms it can lead to physicall self-distructive behavior such as suicide.
The kind of physically austerities the Buddha eventually rejected can also be seen as expression of this impulse towords self-negation.