“Its no trouble , I am glad to help.” Mr Oh replied happily. He continue to discreetly look at her breasts and the edge of her bra while she seemed to be playing with Dubu as the lift made its way up to her apartment level. Dubu seemed to be quite excited and he pressed his paws all over her chest. “She is so focused on her dog she did not realise her chest is quite exposed!” He thought happily.
A short while later, they reached her level, and he walked with her to her apartment door. Seohyun took out her keys and opened the door. Entering the doorway, she turned around and said “ Come in Dubu, Mr Oh has to return to his post, we can't take up his time.”
Mr Oh lowered the dog to the floor and he ran into the apartment immediately.
“Sorry Mr Oh, to have troubled you.” She thanked him again with another low bow, giving him a few more moments of bliss.
“It was no problem , its quiet at this time of the day. I look forward to talking to you, it is very boring to just sit there. I am glad you came down with Dubu, do bring him down again next time.” Mr Oh was now very happy, and he begin to like the dog a lot .
As he watched her enter the apartment and the door closed, Mr Oh felt very happy.
“This is a great day!” His wish just came true.
- - -
Seohyun entered her apartment and set Dubu down before calling Joon. “Oppa, it worked, Mr Oh was quite excited and he could not keep his eyes off my chest.”
The whole thing of course, was Joon's idea. To use Dubu as a way of showing her breasts off without arousing any suspicion. And it worked great.
Joon praised her and gave her more advice on how she can show more skin easily. “Gradually wear less and less, but not too obvious. This way, he won't suspect anything and you can earn how to dress sexier. You are not trying to seduce him, you are just practising to dress sexier.” He made her promise not to do anything like that taxi incident again and after she promised, he ended the call.
- - -
The rest of Tuesday went on normally. After Joon's scolding she decided not to wear anything too revealing to class. She had another 3 hours of 'training' , with the vibrators in her bra and underwear. By now, the weak vibrations did not affect her much, she was able to function normally, she just had to wipe her juice from her slightly damp underwear after 3 hours. She was even able to fight down the urge to touch her own body very well. A huge achievement, Seohyun thought.
Her mind however, was not fully on the vibrators, neither was it on her classes. Instead, she spent half the day thinking on what the brothers will be planning to do tomorrow and on how to improve on her singing. Her mind kept thinking about the fellatio talk and she slowly began to think that maybe.. just maybe .. she might want to try it, just for improving her vocals if not for any other reason. The drug was keeping her thinking about these things easily.
But she had no idea who to do it with, she has no boyfriend yet.
She called Taeyeon around lunch and asked her about advice on buying a car. And Taeyeon got very excited. “I will call the girls and we will go car shopping once we are free!”
That evening , the other members of SNSD all paid a surprise visit to her place, except Jessica who was out of the country and Sunny, who had to do her new radio show. Taeyeon had quickly told them all about her plan to buy a car and they all decided to pay her a visit. They came with food, DVDs and they were eating and lounging in the living room when she came home. Seohyun gave them all spare key to her apartment so that they can come in anytime.
“Thank goodness I hid the sexy outfits Jongin Oppa sent to me in a very secure place. The unnies will tease me to death if they saw those clothes.” She thought as she came in to see the six girls greeting her loudly and playing with Dubu. Her dining table was covered with the food they brought and the food they raided from the fridge stocked by Mrs Lee.
They spent the whole evening eating and chatting and discussing on what car Seohyun should get. Taeyeon wanted her to get a sports car, Hyoyeon suggested a big SUV, Yuri wanted a jeep, while Tiffany and Yoona offered the best advice; a small, easy to handle car, with emphasis on safety and fuel saving. “Make sure its pink too!” Tiffany emphasized.
They continued after dinner, and they had a lot of fun joking and talking and eating, and Seohyun was glad she could spent time with her precious unnies.
The only left after 10 pm, by which time she is too exhausted and she simply showered, wrote in her diary and went to bed. Not even realising that Jongin sent her a message.
- - -
She woke up the next morning, and checked her phone finally, and saw the messages sent by Jongin.
< Seohyun-ah, if you see a 'closed' sign at our gym later, don't worry. Just come on in. And bring the vibrators with you too. >
Puzzled, she nevertheless replied with a < Okay Oppa. >
- - -
She made herself breakfast and then took the red pill again. She spent the morning on her studies and practising her piano and she tried her song lyric writing again. Mrs Lee came in as usual and Seohyun chatted with her as she worked, while Mrs Lee did her laundry and cleaned her apartment.
While Seohyun is perfectly capable of doing all the housework and chores, her busy schedule means she hardly has any time or energy to do anything like that, especially during promotion periods or concert tours. SNSD members often leave very early for their schedules and come back late at night all exhausted. So SM hires ahjummas like Mrs Lee to take care of the Idols who live alone, doing the basic household cleaning and stocking their place with food and necessities like toilet paper etc. They also do other things like feeding the Idol's pets and watering the plants and collecting mail when the Idols are busy or out of the country for long periods of time, especially true for superstars like SNSD.
The ahjummas are usually women in their 40s or 50s who can be trusted and are experts at household chores. Most of them are housewives looking for some additional income, and Mrs Lee has worked for SNSD for years. She was the one who took care of them when they all stayed in the dorm, and after several members moved out, she continued to take care of the remaining members like Taeyeon, Sunny and Tiffany who stayed in the dorm and also members like Seohyun and Hyoyeon and Yuri, who stay alone in their own apartments. So she was trusted and liked by all the SNSD members.
Before she know it, noon had passed and she ate the lunch that Mrs Lee made for her before she left. After lunch she showered and just as she was preparing to go to the gym, she suddenly remembered, she promised Joon Oppa to do another photo-shoot for Jongin! Jongin was jealous that she did those awesome photos for Joon, and Joon wanted her to do another one for his brother!
But the other girls visiting last evening made her totally forgot, not to mention she didn't have any time to do it last night. So now she is troubled. Seohyun has always kept her word, being a very honest and sincere girl. “I promised Joon Oppa, how can I forget? Aish!”
So she desperately racked her brains to think of a solution. With no time left to do another photo-shoot, she finally decided she would have to find another way to make it up to Jongin. Her manager is probably waiting for her downstairs already.
“How about this....? It might satisfy Jongin Oppa a bit, until I can find time to do a proper shoot for him...”
Swallowing another of the blue pill, she packed the vibrators in a pouch, changed and went down to meet her manager.
She was now very eager to visit the gym. She did a little fist pump to cheer herself. “This will be another fun day!”