There is often exist an imbalance in port handling activities, the imbalance is caused by many factors, such as the
number of port handling equipments, the arrangement of operating workers, the scale of handling facilities. For
example, if the number of logistics handling machinery is underestimated, it will result in the handling goods to be
stranded, and affect its economic benefits. And if there are too many handling machinery, it will form the
unnecessary waste of financial and material resources. If the arrangements for handling operating workers are
unreasonable, it will result in uneven division of labor and human waste. In short, for the logistics handling, the
imbalance factor is estimated too high or too low will result in manpower, material and financial resources of the
serious waste, and will increase handling costs. Therefore, for managements of logistics handling, the most
important tasks is to accurately estimate the factors which affect the uneven handling activities, and take effective