immanent (i e. past and future are the tance of community is stressed; and the importance in religion creativity is central; as is argues that these and between same features are characteristic that there is a tural contemporary social conditions and neo- Paganism. paganism gives to the cul experiences of its adherents. LOCATING NEW RELIGIOUS Mo VE MENTS WITHIN MODERNITY Carpenter's arguments about the positive association represent neo-paganism and postmodern spirituality a new wave of sociological thinking which stands in contrast to earlier arguments that New Religious Movements are antagonistic to modernity The two most prominent exponents of this view are Peter Berger (967 and Bryan Wilson (982) who argue that the pluralisation and privatisation which typity contemporary religious expression reflect its marginal relevance to mainstream society. In the work of these writers religion is portrayed as a protest against the alienating conditions of contemporary life As such it offers little of real and lasting significance to society. While it may offer individuals comfort and compensation, it has only minimal impact on the organisation and structure of social life