Since the abilities of local farmers are above moderate of
education background (Table 1), there will be most
effective way to operate revenue systems. Revenue from
selling fishing licenses and from charging regulation
infraction fees could be earmarked to improve both Lagoon
management and local fisher welfare. For instance, it could
be used to fund the Forum’s administration, pay fishery
inspectors, and monitor resource use. Part of this revenue
could be used as a form of insurance against environmental
and market uncertainties, by providing small loans to
full-time fishers during shrimp and fish off-seasons. This
would reduce their dependence on middlemen and give
them the freedom to trade their product for the best
prices year-round. License sales revenues may also be
used to investigate economic alternatives for fishers who
reduce their fishing in and therefore their income from,
the Lagoon (as in the case of San Miguel Bay in
Philippines). In addition, license sales revenues may be
used to investigate potential markets for the Lagoon’s
other fish and crabs.
Since the abilities of local farmers are above moderate ofeducation background (Table 1), there will be mosteffective way to operate revenue systems. Revenue fromselling fishing licenses and from charging regulationinfraction fees could be earmarked to improve both Lagoonmanagement and local fisher welfare. For instance, it couldbe used to fund the Forum’s administration, pay fisheryinspectors, and monitor resource use. Part of this revenuecould be used as a form of insurance against environmentaland market uncertainties, by providing small loans tofull-time fishers during shrimp and fish off-seasons. Thiswould reduce their dependence on middlemen and givethem the freedom to trade their product for the bestprices year-round. License sales revenues may also beused to investigate economic alternatives for fishers whoreduce their fishing in and therefore their income from,the Lagoon (as in the case of San Miguel Bay inPhilippines). In addition, license sales revenues may beused to investigate potential markets for the Lagoon’sother fish and crabs.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

Since the abilities of local farmers are above moderate of
education background (Table 1), there will be most
effective way to operate revenue systems. Revenue from
selling fishing licenses and from charging regulation
infraction fees could be earmarked to improve both Lagoon
management and local fisher welfare. For instance, it could
be used to fund the Forum’s administration, pay fishery
inspectors, and monitor resource use. Part of this revenue
could be used as a form of insurance against environmental
and market uncertainties, by providing small loans to
full-time fishers during shrimp and fish off-seasons. This
would reduce their dependence on middlemen and give
them the freedom to trade their product for the best
prices year-round. License sales revenues may also be
used to investigate economic alternatives for fishers who
reduce their fishing in and therefore their income from,
the Lagoon (as in the case of San Miguel Bay in
Philippines). In addition, license sales revenues may be
used to investigate potential markets for the Lagoon’s
other fish and crabs.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..