Coconut jelly
The ingredients.
1. agar 15 g powder coat the mermaid
2. coconut water, 5 cups
3. sugar 300 g
4. coconut meat from a young child through the water.
How to make a.
1. pour the coconut water coconut surgery removing filter phankrachon to get clean water, no dust. 5 cups coconut water dosing
2. then scrape the coconut meat, is a slim-line, then remove the pulp comes cut into small pieces.
3. mix gelatin in water, coconut, and then the other person to melt. Place saucepan over medium heat until mixture boils people then fill enough sugar sugar. If not, try the sweet sugar gradually, it added.
4. put the coconut meat into. Continue boiling for a while. Most people mix progresses, then turn off the fire. Ingredients, cool ones for a while. 5. prepare the Royal Cup printing at 80-100 cups bringing the cold start down to jelly drops enter the printer, and then let the agar hardens. Put lid on container refrigeration