The epoxy resin and curing agent (1:1) were slowly mixed about
10 min in a beaker by mechanical mixer, then 5 wt% reactive diluent
was added, after 5 min mixed, three fillers (natural graphite,
reduced graphite nanoflakes, and graphene sheets) and some other
additives (~1 wt% KH-550 and ~4 wt% hydroxy silicone oil) were
added into the specifying beaker separately, after 30 min fast stirring
by mechanical stirrer, the homogeneous mixture of thermal
adhesives can be obtained, then put the prepared adhesives into
the vacuum container application for de-aeration. Therewith the
de-aeration adhesives were molded in Polytetrafluoroethene
(PTFE) molds with the size of Ф H ¼ 35 mm 10 mm, the molds
were transferred into the oven with constant temperature of 80 C
and kept for 30 min, then the oven temperature was increased to
120 C and kept for 60 min, the cured adhesives can be obtained
after the oven was turned off and its temperature was naturally
cooled down at ambient environment.