You know service is a really huge part of how we’re assessed here and working in
faculty-staff learning community is definitely a line on the vita; it’s not as a good
a line on the vita as an article. And maybe it shouldn’t be. Or how good a teacher
you are. But, yeah, there is some incentive in place for that.
Barriers to collaboration: Other. Two faculty members did speak about student
motivation and enthusiasm, rather than time, as being the biggest barrier to successful
collaboration. Daniel Patton shared, “Well, the main barrier, if I were to think about
something, uh, would be, uh, I don’t think our students are that enthusiastic about this
process, this stuff, you know. I think the main barrier is motivation.” This was a
conclusion shared by Jennifer Johnson, who observed,
I think the students. You know, how do you get them to figure it out. I think the
one, for worse, I think, actually, sort of we have a culture of um, lackadaisical
work here and I think it is slowly changing, I hope it’s changing but you know
we’re shocked at how little they work, how little they read, how much effort they
really put in.